Home Monitoring of competitors’ advertising TV & Radio

Monitoring the competitors' advertisements on TV and radio. Analysis of the TV and radio advertising market in the regions

We will promptly monitor the advertisements on television and radio in any cities of Russia, record the local advertisement blocks and explore the advertisement activity of your competitors or a certain segment of advertisers located on the air at any time of the day or night, on all TV and Radio channels, including satellite, cable and city channels.

With the help of monitoring of local advertisement units on TV and Radio you can make a general picture of the advertising activity on the specified TV and Radio stations:

  • Learn about the activity of competitors or market segments in the region
  • Get samples of their advertising creatives
  • Learn the media plan for competitors’ advertisement placements
  • Estimate the total market volume and the share of advertisers in the field
  • Determine the competitors’ budget for advertising in local TV and Radio media.

Research methodology:

  1. The list of TV or radio channels to be viewed is coordinated, as well as monitoring time (morning, afternoon, evening or night broadcast).
  2. Our local employees record the video of all the broadcasted advertisements on a specified topic with the "overlap" of the air before and after the ad unit, which helps to further identify the time and date of the release of the videos.
  3. After the recording of audio / video commercials, the start time, timing, and the list of mentioned brands are recorded.
  4. In the final report on the monitoring of TV channels, a network of broadcasts of advertisements for each channel with video commercials is shown, and for monitoring of radio frequencies in the FM band, a schedule of ad outputs with audio records is demonstrated.

As an option, the study can be supplemented by estimate of the budgets for advertising at this time on this channel. With the help of open sources, the cost of a minute of airtime * is estimated. Knowing the duration and frequency of the output of the commercials, it is not difficult to calculate the advertising budgets of companies.


* The airtime is estimated by open sources at base prices, and this estimate does not include possible discounts / extra charge or special conditions.


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