Home Monitoring of services and events Sports

Independent audit of sports events in any part of Russia

Do you need fast and independent monitoring of football, hockey, basketball and other sports events in terms of their size, quality and availability of sponsorship advertisements in any part of Russia? Please contact us! We will analyze the number of visitors in the stands, format of the event, design and other parameters. You will get full details from our independent sources at the local level.

Audit of sports events Monitoring of sports events Monitoring of sports games

Many sports competitions are held in Russia every day - football, hockey and basketball matches, boxing, biathlon, figure skating, skiing, athletics championships and others. Organizers and sponsors allocate substantial funds to conduct every event, but with account of the vast geography, it is quite difficult to check how this money is spent. With the help of our representatives in different cities and towns of Russia, we will visit sports events which you are interested in and make a report on the necessary parameters. Quality control of sports events will improve the efficiency of your advertising campaign, as well as make it possible to receive an independent feedback on the competition from our auditors.

When auditing sports events, our customers are mostly interested in:

  • degree of fullness of the hall or stadium, as well as the total number of viewers;
  • convenience and accessibility of ticketing, including presence of the so-called "ticket touts" before the match;
  • how comfortable it is for the audience to go out/enter the facility, presence of catering and souvenir outlets;
  • external and internal design of the stadium or hall.

All the data are recorded and processed in a special information system which displays the real-time progress of the work, has functions of online viewing and flexible access for a set of parameters (region, city, etc.) that you can provide to your regional offices or partners, the data can also be downloaded to Excel.

Do you want to know how the sports events are held and organized at the local level? Please contact us! With the help of our independent audit, you will get full details fast, confidentially and at a reasonable price.



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