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Distribution of advertising from stands in elite houses, cottages, in Rublevka

Place your print ads on stands and tables in the halls of luxury homes in different parts of the city. Stands or tables with advertising information are located next to the mailboxes and are under the supervision of concierges. Residents of houses see the placed print advertising and take it only when it is interesting to them.

Advertising in elite houses Advertising on stands in cottages Print advertising in elite houses

Advertising in elite houses and cottage settlements is a unique opportunity to address the wealthiest and most solvent audience of our country

Residents of houses of high comfort are wealthy people, most often having family, who bought or rented apartments there. This is a fairly broad audience of different sex and age, which are interested in premium products.

Advertising in elite houses Advertising on stands in cottages Печатная реклама в элитных домах

You will appreciate the high efficiency of this type of promotion of goods and services. Your offer will be unique as this form of advertising does not imply the existence of similar offers from competitors. You will not only attract attention to yourself, but also create a certain image of your brand or company.

Frequency and duration of advertising contact is achieved due to the fact that, returning home every day, a person is in no hurry. He goes into the entrance, takes out the mail and looks through the bulletin board and advertising, if it attracted his attention.

Advantages of advertising on stands in elite houses:

  • Opportunity to appeal to a wealthy audience. Residents of elite complexes and cottages are the most wealthy category of citizens.
  • Absence of competitors. In such houses the similar advertising offers are not allowed to be placed.
  • Frequency and duration of promotional contacts. Returning every day home, a person has enough time to get acquainted with your information.

Distributing your printed advertising materials in luxury homes, you get access to a wide audience of wealthy families right at their home!


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