Home Monitoring of competitors’ advertising Internet

Monitoring of competitors' advertisements on the Internet

We promptly provide information on the placements of the advertisers you are interested in, on the Internet. All types of sites and contextual advertising with geo-targeting in any region of Russia.

Every day we study a lot of Internet sites for the presence /absence of advertisement placements of our customers and their competitors. With our help, you will be able to understand the locations of your competitors' advertisements on the Internet, volumes and budgets spent.

Kinds of researched Internet resources and definition of the purposes

One of the key tasks for monitoring of competitors on the Internet is a clear statement of what and where to look for, as the amount of information on the network is huge. Therefore, we must initially focus on those sites on the Internet that interest you. We divide all the investigated sites on the Internet into 3 categories:

1. Contextual advertising in search engines (Yandex, Google)

Formulation of the research task:

  • Based on the specifics of the desired advertisers, we, with your help, form a list of interesting search queries, for example, "buy products profitable", "promotional actions for products", "shop at home"
  • We are determined with the geo-targeting we are interested in - regions, cities, districts or addresses where we will conduct research.
  • Specify the time and days of monitoring.
  • We compose a list of interesting advertisers.


2. Social networks and blogs

Formulation of the research task:

  • Based on the specifics of the desired advertisers, we, with your help, form the required Socio-demographic targeting - a portrait of their potential client by sex, age, education, hobbies and income.
  • We are determined with the geo-targeting we are interested in - regions, cities, districts or where we will conduct research.
  • Specify the time and days of monitoring.
  • According to the blogs - a list of authors the articles of which will be examined is compiled.
  • We make up a list of advertisers you are interested in.

3. Popular Internet portals and media sites.

We agree with you on a certain number of sites you are interested in and review them for the activity of competitors.

Formulation of the research task:

  • Based on the specifics of the desired advertisers, we, with your help, form a list of media you are interested in, thematic sites or specialized sections on popular portals.
  • We are determined with the geo-targeting we are interested in - regions, cities, districts or addresses where we will conduct research
  • Specify the time and days of monitoring.
  • We make up a list of advertisers you are interested in.

After the formulation of the Task, we proceed to research on the specified parameters. This research, depending on the goals, can be carried out both with the use of specialized automated tools and in a manual mode. A significant amount of Internet resources (for example, Google) use an automatic algorithm to determine the location of users, which involves the need to monitor these sites directly from the specified geographical locations, and in cases with local geo-targeting - exit to such areas of the city.

The collected material is loaded in form of tables into a specialized Monitoring Information System that allows you to track the progress of work online, and download the required report data, with the hyperlinks to the relevant materials, in form of Excel tables.

As an additional option, we can supplement the monitoring report on the Internet with research of the budgets *of verified advertisers, and provide an economic analysis of the costs of the advertising campaign.


* The evaluation of the competitors’ budgets is provided from open sources at base prices, and does not include possible discounts / extra charge or special conditions.


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